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About Us
about us

Human Rights Network for Journalists-Uganda (HRNJ-Uganda) is a network of human rights journalists in Uganda working towards enhancing the promotion, protection and respect of human rights through defending and building the capacities of journalists, to effectively exercise their constitutional rights and fundamental freedoms for collective campaigning through the media.

Human Rights Network for Journalists-Uganda (HRNJ-Uganda) was established in 2005 by a group of journalists who had developed a sense of activism, and it was formally registered as an independent, non-profit and non-partisan media organization in 2006. The identity of HRNJ-Uganda lies with its diverse membership of journalists from both print and electronic media as well as freelance investigative journalists and students.

We endeavor to provide medical and psycho-social support to media practitioners injured in the course of their duty. Through training and educating journalists on various thematic issues, we enhance their competence and capacities on human rights and good governance.

Our Vision

HRNJ-Uganda envisions ‘A society that is free from human rights violation and abuse’

Our Mission

Enhancing the promotion, protection and respect of the rights of journalists and media freedoms through research, advocacy, legal support, capacity building, and emergency support

News Alerts
Clear Filters

The safety of journalists in Uganda is increasingly at risk as members of the community turn against them, compromising their…

In a disturbing incident, police officers in Kampala, Uganda, damaged a video camera belonging to a BBS TV journalist while…

Four journalists in Uganda are recovering from serious injuries after being struck by teargas canisters during a protest against National…

The two (2) journalists Dickson Mubiru and Alirabaki Ssengooba who were arrested and detained after investigating and publishing corruption-related stories,…

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Celebrate Human Rights
Our Interventions

Since 2006, Human Rights Network for Journalists-Uganda has achieved tremendous success in advocating for the rights of journalists in Uganda. The organisation has empowered journalists and media practitioners and many of their skills have been enhanced to effectively do their work in a safe manner.

Journalists Empowered
Journalists Rescued from Police
Projects Implemented
Districts HRNJ has Reached