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Mukono, 22nd/June/2012; Mt. Lebanon Church in Mukono has compensated four Mukono based journalists who implicated it in an attack on them.Kalumba Ronald of WBS Television received a new video camera while Makumbi Joseph of the Red Pepper got a photo camera. The two had their original cameras damaged in a scuffle when a group of members from the church attacked them on May 20th, 2012 as they followed a news story.


Other victims were Moses Kizito Bbuule and Paddy Nsobya of the Vision Group. They were attacked by a group led by one Shem Ssemmanda, who later admitted and asked for forgiveness.During a recent meeting between the journalists and the church at Shade Gardens in Mukono, Pastor of Samuel Lwandasa apologized to the journalists and committed to buying new cameras to replace those damaged during the attack.


Human Rights Network for Journalists-Uganda (HRNJ-Uganda) witnessed the occasion which saw the journalists withdraw the assault and damage to property charges that had been filed against the group.The two groups signed a Memorandum of Understanding in which they undertook to refrain from trading in any form of violent and non-violent reproach against each other.


“HRNJ-Uganda welcomes this initiative of mending fences between the media and the public. It however cautions journalists against getting carried away by instant compensations by their attackers as this would encourage impunity for people who can use their financial muscle to get away with crime. We however wish to commend the professionalism and urgency with which the Mukono police have handled the investigations into this matter.” said HRNJ-Uganda Programmes Coordinator Wokulira Ssebaggala.

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